Board Meeting – March 3, 2024

Call to order @ 7:01

Attendees: (x)=present, (_)=absent

  • (x)President – Steve Wargo
  • (x)Secretary – Will Scott
  • (x)Treasurer – Zach Haynes
  • (x)Marketing – Eric Maine
  • (x)Music – Dave Durfee
  • (x)Communications – Kimball Larsen
  • (x)Grant Writer – Dennis Burg
  • (x)Membership – Aaron Haws
  • (x)Past President – Sid Brown
  • (x)Member at Large – Elijah Haddad
  • Extra attendees: Brad Pfau

Action Items:

  • Neil will be auditing Chordsmen books (getting with Zach)
  • Dave and Shad will address the 4th riser issue once it gets a little warmer
  • Will will gather opinions on a new Chordsmen suit outfit. Goal: comfortable, accurate to Chordsmen brand, relatively cheap (<$100)
  • Eric to look into Buy Idaho membership
  • Zach to make a budget for next board meeting
  • Dennis will get a higher-resolution video of the Youth Festival Marketing video
  • Will to come up with assistant director proposal
  • Will to email district about annual show


  • Will is gonna put in entries for the two standups
  • Motion and passed to accept from last time


  • Made the same amount of money as last Valentines! Dang, we didn’t expect that.
  • Otherwise, mostly business as usual.
  • Budget discussion
    • Hey… what if we had a budget?
    • Let’s establish a Fiscal Year.
    • Motion passes! Fiscal year is Jan1 thru Dec31.
    • Motion is to vote on the budget before the fiscal year. Projected expenses and projected income for the coming year. Also suggest to keep revising as we go throughout the year. Intention is more transparency with where money is going! Passes.
    • Zach will make budget for next board meeting – AI
  • Motion and accept the financial report
  • Motion to reimburse Dennis for cable and speaker that he had to get for grant presentation. Approved!
  • Motion for 2/3s of toner and his paper. Approved!
  • Motion to reimburse Kimball for hat setup costs. Approved!

Grant Writing

  • Dennis is gonna get a higher-res video for everyone – AI
  • Motion to give Dennis power to sign Morrison Center contracts, approved!
  • Eric will look into Buy Idaho membership – AI


  • Marketing committee members should be vetted, and they should be liaisons to other groups. And we’ll seek out training for them! Through BHS or other things we can get our hands on. Defining a mission statement…
  • Proposing doing an album with music team down the line!


  • Nothing crazy.


  • New member orientation packet – Aaron will get information together and get it to Kimball
  • Sid will look into precedence at EVG level for giving Tom access to our stuff…

Music Team

  • Music team will review survey results from Christmas concert.
  • Doing an in-house retreat! Apr12-13.
  • We’re good for June 8th at Cloverdale in the evening for our show.
  • Aug30-31 for Quartet Extravaganza!
  • Summer break is 5 weeks 🥳
  • Compensaton for assistant director -> Sid will look up if there’s conflict of interest. Will is gonna do some more research on how much to have. – AI
  • We’ll discuss audition process in music team meeting and who should get questions.

Other stuff:

  • Kimball has some nifty Chordsmen hats!
  • Will needs to email District about our annual show.

Ended at 9:01