Board Meeting – January 7, 2024
Call to order @ 7:07
Previous meeting notes: correcting a 2022 to 2023 for annual show.
Minutes have been approved, unanimously.
Financial report
- Made about $2000 on bake sale + quilt
- Made $3200 on tickets!
- Note: Neil needs to be asked to handle the BHS audit.
- Sid will get a rough estimate of finances for Denver, this will inform how much moolah to put in the angel fund.
- Eric Maine will be willing to donate his fundraising abilities when this comes around.
Motion to receive financial report, approved.
- Steve called with John Curtis this afternoon, he will no longer be with the chorus 🙁
- He is still more than happy to make himself available for the posters and flyers and stuff!
- But all in all… We don’t have a marketing dude anymore 🙁
Communication report
- Kimball got some details to fill in the calendar…
- If you need to get anything on the calendar, let Kimball know!
Music team report
- Doing our “Year of Applying” this year
- New rep is on Discord!
- Show title is “great american songbook”, proposed date is June 8th.
- Will is the assistant director now 🥳
- We would like to have Steve Scott and Cy Wood
- Motioned and passed
- Quartet extravaganza this year! Bob and Ken will spearhead. Suggestion early September or late July.
- Idea of getting youth quartets involved: propose to the highschools to send quartets
Membership report
- Aaron will reach out to old members and encourage current membership to invite via word of mouth.
- Brian Connolly might be paying twice… Aaron will reach out.
- EVG has a new member orientation for Aaron to use as a template.
Christmas show review:
- Future opportunities from reviews
- People missed the ‘fun’ of the Chordsmen
- People wanted more from Chordsmen
- People didn’t get enough barbershop
- People want Hallelujah chorus!
- However, the majority of reviews were extremely positive.
- Suggest we consider more than $10.
- Want to poll the guys on the show, and specifically doing the show with Star Harmony.
- Goal is to determine the future relationship of Chordsmen + Star Harmony
- Steve and Will will create the questions.
- Suggestion: do two Xmas shows with each group, have each show be for one chorus and featuring the other chorus.
Board structure discussion
- We’d like to have at-large members.
- Proposal to bring to the membership “hey we’d like to expand the board by one person via member at large. Here’s who we’re thinking about”.
- Propose this as a two-year gig, next year we add one more, so in the future we have two numbers.
- Thinking of succession for Music VP and Youth Festival in the next year.
- Need to fill in Marketing position… (Eric Maine?)
- Want to add Dennis as the “Grant Writer” board position
Sid has a proposal to maybe take Twin Falls under our board structure. He will find more info on this.
We need a fourth riser for the center…
- Ideally take it to a welding place, Dave will handle it.
- Time to start sending blasts out!
- Newsletter
- Flyer
- Facebook post
- Quartet getting-out initiative (a la IPA)
Discussion items for future:
- What should Chordsmen wear?
- Sounds like a t-shirt mode, polo mode, and formal mode would be best
- How can we give back to Cloverdale?
9:07pm we’re done!