Board Meeting – August 4, 2024
7:09pm start
Action Items:
- Zach H to reach out to Larry Breitbart for our financial review… What do we need to do?
- Eric looking into if Buy Idaho is worth it (still in-progress)
- Aaron will get with Jack about paying up
- Aaron will type up a document with the audition process / membership tiers. E.g. “How to become a Boise Chordsmen”.
Meeting minutes from last time: motioned and accepted.
For next time: send out an agenda with the minutes (Will)
Financial report:
- We made about half on the annual show as we did last year. But to be fair, we did one show this year and two shows last year.
- About to start paying stuff for youth festival.
- Fun facts with Zach: we have to pay use tax on our sheet music!
- Motioned and accepted the financial report
- Idaho arts comission turned us down
didn’t get it this year
- Shirts! Dennis has some black button downs from Shadows. We like them, Dennis will investigate getting them en masse and buying a different shirt for Terry (since these Port Authority shirts from Shadows don’t come in a 5XL)
- New Chordsmen Uniform:
- Black shirts with Youth Festival funds, probably Ties with youth festival funds (blue ties, and a handful of other colors so we have options), members provide black belt/slacks/shoes/suspenders/socks
- We’re in the process of making a Idaho Youth Barbershop Festival website! Got the domain
- Zach will send any receipts he has regarding Youth Festival to Dennis.
- We have the Morrison Center reserved for May 31st, FYI.
- Suggestion: we invite another chorus/group, pay them a flat fee for their performance (taken from the grant, ~$2k or so), then we get all ticket sales.
- Board decided: we will use the Morrison Center on the 31st. If we don’t get the grant, when we won’t use it.
- Then we will have the same concert at Cloverdale on June 7th.
- Sid will reserve Cloverdale for June 7th.
- Kimball is making the website! And teaching Dennis how to do it. Will greatly help with grant writing!
- Kimball has looked at different ticketing options. Things are in progress.
- We briefly discussed having a Venmo account for Chordsmen, Kimball + Sid recalled looking into Venmo and it was deemed prohibitively expensive. We believe new ticketing systems will cover the need for
- Vettix provides discounted / free tickets for Military and (Sistix for first responders). Something that Kimball + Sid are looking into to get extra seats (might help for a Morrison Center show).
- Eric is still pinging Buy Idaho.
- Eric is also having conversations about having a full marketing team
- Got two new musics for Christmas! Will + Zach are making tracks
- New audition process will be fleshed out by Music Team and brought to the board next meeting (Will)
- We have Cloverdale sanctuary reserved for Sept6-7. Ideally we will be in Meridian Highschool.
- Motion to offer a $200 donation to Meridian Highschool’s choral program if needed to use their space.
- Approved!
- Will needs to get clearance for Youth Festival shows.
- Aaron will get to the board the bullet point list of what our “new member document” will be.
- We’re getting guys in! Shawn will be doing 2nd audition soon, Kyle is in and singing with us.
- Boise Hawks game went great! Everyone loved us, hopefully we’ll get a membership influx from it.
- Aaron will look into doing a hawaiian grilled chicken bbq Saturday night shindig (with BYOB somehow, even if it’s at a second location). Split the alphabet for sides and desserts.
- Board motion + approval: Aaron can spend up to $300 (to be reimbursed) for venue and chicken recipe.
Concluded at 8:58pm