Board Meeting – June 2, 2024

Attendees: (x)=present, (_)=absent

  • (x)President – Steve Wargo
  • (x)Secretary – Will Scott
  • (x)Treasurer – Zach Haynes
  • (x)Marketing – Eric Maine
  • (x)Music – Dave Durfee
  • (_)Communications – Kimball Larsen
  • (x)Grant Writer – Dennis Berg
  • (x)Membership – Aaron Haws
  • (x)Past President – Sid Brown
  • (x)Member at Large – Elijah Haddad
  • Extra attendees:

Action items:

  • Zach H to reach out to Larry Breitbart for our financial review… What do we need to do?
  • Eric looking into if Buy Idaho is worth it
  • Aaron will get Jonathan’s contact info to Zach G and ZG will reach out
  • Steve will send Aaron his roster info so we can see if Jack has officially registered
  • Aaron will type up a document with the audition process / membership tiers. E.g. “How to become a Boise Chordsmen”.
  • We’re doing the black shirts from Shadow’s. Will will go into the store (Shadows) to pick out polos. Autumn is our contact.
  • Everyone keep in mind a replacement for Brad K as performance committee. He’s a bit overloaded.

7:01pm start time

Minutes accepted from last time


  • Things look good!
  • Zach to reach out to Larry Breitbart for our financial review… What do we need to do?
  • Motioned and received

Grant Writer

  • Dennis is sticking strong with things. He listed like 10 things he’s doing and I couldn’t keep track of it, sorry.
  • Opera in the park (July13): show is at 8pm, but they want us to have a booth from 5-8pm. Dennis has ideas for the booth (projector,
    • Still uncertain how many songs we can sing, but Brad K is following up.


  • Looking into Buy Idaho – looks like it’s designed for local businesses to sell to local people. Looking like it may not be worth it, but Eric will call and ask if there’s any value (with some help for Dennis)
  • Comment came up that someone didn’t buy an ad because we don’t have printed programs…
    • So we motioned and accepted to have printed programs in the future


  • New membership statuses were discussed: (pasted from music team meeting)
    • Guest: can hang out, can’t take home or access music (except for HomH), isn’t paying, suggested to become paying member after 3 attendances or pay the $16 for the insurance rider (note: doesn’t exist yet)
    • Rider: Guest who is paying the $16 insurance rider, has access to music.
    • Paying: hasn’t passed an audition, has access to music (e.g. behind director, off to side).
    • Singing: Has auditioned, is elligible for singouts and Xmas show, not elligible for annual show or contest
    • Performing: Has qual’d on contest tunes, elligible for all performances with Boise Chordsmen
    • Guests/Riders/Paying members can be on the risers for first 3 rehearsals, then must actively be in the audition process or will be asked to participate from the audience side/behind of director
    • The 3 membership tiers (Paying, Singing, Performing) were motioned and accepted by the board with the understanding that we will improve the language on these tiers (todo for Music team) and Rider tier will be available in the future.
  • Dave has handled the music for Christmas as far as ordering
  • Morrison Center is reserved for June 7th for an evening show (no matinee).
    • Dennis will followup with Morrison on how much they recommend us charging, but Music Team should discuss what ticket price should be. (be mindful if we charge too cheap then people don’t think anything of us)
  • Zach has two contest tunes picked out for next year and is beginning arranging.
  • Sid will upload our contest tunes to barberscore.


  • Aaron will get Jonathan’s contact info to Zach G and ZG will reach out
  • Kyle’s second audition will be Tuesday
  • Steve will send Aaron his roster info so we can see if Jack has officially registered
  • Aaron will type up a document with the audition process / membership tiers. E.g. “How to become a Boise Chordsmen”.


  • We’re doing the black shirts from Shadow’s. Will will go into the store (Shadows) to pick out polos. Autumn is our contact.
  • Show on the 8th: we need 3 people for helping checkin. 1 for scanning on phone, 1 for handling at-the-door pics, 1 for looking at printed guest list.
    • These people could double-work as selling cookies at intermission.
    • Steve will check with Brad K if his neighbors are good for help.

Everyone keep in mind a replacement for Brad K as performance committee. He’s a bit overloaded.

Let’s shoot for a burger burn on June 25th. Probably gonna do chicken, not burgers. Less overhead 🙂 Probably have guys bring grills.

We should uh, be involved with Boise Music Week.

Next meeting is August 4th.

Concluded at 8:29pm