Board Meeting – April 7, 2024

Call to order @ 7:10

Attendees: (x)=present, (_)=absent

  • (x)President – Steve Wargo
  • ( )Secretary – Will Scott
  • (x)Treasurer – Zach Haynes
  • (x)Marketing – Eric Maine
  • ( )Music – Dave Durfee
  • (x)Communications – Kimball Larsen
  • (x)Grant Writer – Dennis Burg
  • ( )Membership – Aaron Haws
  • (x)Past President – Sid Brown
  • ( )Member at Large – Elijah Haddad
  • Extra attendees: Brad Pfau

Action Items:

  • Neil will be auditing Chordsmen books
    • Zach has spoken with Neil
    • Zach will contact Larry Breitbarth (EVG Treasurer) for guidance on depth and annotation)
  • Dave and Shad will address the 4th riser issue once it gets a little warmer Completed
  • Will to gather opinions on a new Chordsmen suit outfit. Goal: comfortable, accurate to Chordsmen brand, relatively cheap (<$100) In-work
  • Eric to look into Buy Idaho membership
  • Zach to make a budget for next board meeting Completed and attached
  • Dennis will get a higher-resolution video of the Youth Festival Marketing video. Still researching with Sparklight
  • Will to come up with assistant director proposal   The Board will develop a proposal
  • Will to email district about annual show   Completed
  • Zach will research fundraising specifics further
  • Morrison Foundation no longer mandates Morrison Center use for award of funds. What opportunities does this open up?
  • Dennis proposed Ads carry-=over for the year for all event programs and website
  • Kimball will get with Dennis for website input provided by sponsors
  • July 7th – Opera Idaho invited the Chordsmen or Quartets to sing in the Park. (Dennis was contacted)
    • As this is the travel day after International and the down month for the Chordsmen, further discussion is needed


  • Motion and passed to accept from February


  • March financial report received and attached
  • Business as usual; slow month
  • Income statement developed and attached; things look normal
  • Budget developed and attached
    • Motion and passed to accept this as the official 2024 Budget
  • Retreats are a new expense

Zach discussed:

Grant Writing

  • Dennis is gonna get a higher-res video for everyone – In work
  • Starte of most Grant submission seasons (Mar-May)
  • 15 grants in-work or submitted this year
  • Could use an assistant


  • Eric will look into Buy Idaho membership
    • Tabled until next month


  • Increased usage of Discord
  • Website working well


  • New member orientation packet – Aaron will get information together and get it to Kimball – No status update
  • Sid shared BHS guidance on Copyright expectations and emailed to Board members

Music Team

  • In addition to Steve and Wills Music Team notes:
  • Capital City Chorus; can the Music Team discuss potential future engagement such as with Star Harmony, as they have extended an Olive Branch that we want to respect
  • With *H not participating in our Christmas Show, do we still want Dec 10 and 11th reserved for Cloverdale?
  • A themed/costumed show with overarching story was discussed and asked to pass on to the Music Team
  • BC Board will develop and Asst. Director expectations and contract.
  • Future of suits can the Music Team discuss?
    • Suits for Brad Shaw, Jonathon (when he joins) and a pair of pants for Andrew are the only current needs.
  • What is a member and who actually approves?
  • Board would like to meet with Zach separately to ensure everyone is on the same page.
  • Rep is all good
  • Survey Results!

Keep music in english 🙂

Aim for more traditional christmas show songs, maybe more modern arrangements

More of a show! Lights, storytelling, décor, etc.

Apparrell should be a discussion

Would like quartets to have 2 songs

Solos: would like to decide them earlier

Moving forward

Have Star Harmony featured on our show, not a duo show for every time.

_________ (second survey below here)

People are here to SING and sing GOOD. We wanna grow as a chorus and individual.

We want to stay as Chordsmen and have our own identity.

Proposal: ask SH to not perform on our annual and xmas shows for this year. BUT, establish good relationships. (Maybe the following year ask for features). Steve and Zach will let them know. – AI

We will share the numerical data with the guys, and send Zach’s bullet points with them. Then, make the comments available to everyone per request. – AI (Zach)

May music team meeting: need to review this feedback again to inform our next Christmas show.

May will be our Christmas planning meeting.

Director team will be planning the retreat for Apr12-13. – AI

(Thanks Sid for taking these notes! – Will)