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Quartet Extravaganza

August 30 @ 7:00 pm August 31 @ 9:00 pm

BARQ Is Back!

If you do not know that acronym, it stands for Boise Area Registered Quartets. It is a very loosely, somewhat unorganized bunch of singers, with members belonging to the Boise Chordsmen.

For several years BARQ sponsored and organized a Quartet Extravaganza, where we would put on a show on a Friday night. We would also request two coaches from the Quartet Champions of the Evergreen District (QCED) who would come to town on Friday, watch the show, and then on Saturday would coach quartets ALL day.

The weekend would culminate with an afterglow on Saturday night at my (Ken Leonard) house, where the entire chorus membership is invited. More on that later.

Here is where you come in. We need quartets for the Friday night show. If you are in a registered quartet, great! We would love to put you on the show.

If you are not in a registered quartet, but have wanted to try it out. This would be a great opportunity as the Friday show is not limited to those other guys. Let us know if there is something we can do to help you put something together.

The Quartet Extravaganza is scheduled for August 30th, at 7 pm, in the old sanctuary where we rehearse. Quartet coaching for registered quartets will be on Saturday and we will talk about that later.

For now what we need from you is:

  • Name of Quartet
  • Names and voice parts of members of the quartet
  • Short Biography if quartet (If you don’t provide this, we will make up something, and it might not be pretty).
  • If a registered quartet, do you desire coaching on Saturday? Saturdays schedule will depend on number of quartets who desire coaching.

Please send your quartet info to Ken Leonard: 4thdimensionquartetlead@gmail.com

There will be more details available here as the event approaches, including where to purchase tickets to participate, etc.

Cloverdale Church of God

3755 S Cloverdale Rd
Boise, ID 83709 United States
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